Monday, September 27, 2010


Y0u WeRe iN c0llEge,W0rKinG paRt TimE,WaiTinG taBles
LeFt a sMalL T0wN n NeVeR l0okeD baCk..
I WaS a fLigHt rIsk,affRaiD 0f falliN'
WoNdeRiNg Why wE botHer wItH LoVe,If it NeveR laSt..
I Say,"caN yoU bElieVe it" we're lyiN' 0n tHe C0uCh..
ThE M0meNt,I caN seE iT..
yeS,yeS,I caN seE it n0W
D0 yOu rEmemBer,wE wErE siTtiN' theRe bY thE waTeR?
y0U pUt y0uR arm ar0unD mE 4 thE 1st timE.y0U maDe a rebeL 0F a CarEleSs man's caRefUl daUghteR..
y0U arE thE bEst tHinG tHat's eVeR bEeN mInE..
fLasH f0RwarD,anD we're taKin' 0N thE w0RlD t0GetHeR anD theRe's a dRaweR 0f mY tHinGs at Y0uR pLacE y0U leaRn mY SecReTs anD FiguRe 0uT WhY I'm GuarDed..y0u saY we'll neVeR makE mY paReNts' MistaKe..bUt wE GeT billS 2 paY..
wE g0T n0nThiN' fiGureD 0Ut..
WheN it HarD 2 taKe..YeS,YeS ThiS iS WhaT I Th0ugh aB0uT..
D0 yOu rEmemBer,wE wErE siTtiN' theRe bY thE waTeR?
y0U pUt y0uR arm ar0unD mE 4 thE 1st timE.y0U maDe a rebeL 0F a CarEleSs man's caRefUl daUghteR..
y0U arE thE bEst tHinG tHat's eVeR bEeN mInE..
D0 Y0u ReMemBeR alL thE CitY liGhTs 0N thE waTeR?
Y0u SaW me starT 2 BeliVe 4 thE 1st tImE..
Y0u maDe a rebel 0F a CarEless maN's Carefull daUgHteR..
Y0u arE thE BeSt tHinG That's eVeR beeN miNe..
anD I remeMbEr tHaT FigHt,tW0-ThiRtY am..
Y0u sAiD EverYtHinG WaS SlipPinG RiGht 0uT of 4 haNdS..
I raN 0uT,CryiNg,anD y0U f0lL0WeD mE inT0 thE stReet..
bRacEd MysElf 4 thE G0oDbYe,causE thaT's all I've EvEr kn0Wn..
tHeN,Y0u t0ok mE bY sUprisE.Y0U saiD 'I' ll nEvEr lEavE y0u aLonE..y0U saId I reMemBeR h0W wE fElT,siTtinG bY thE waTeR..
anD eVeRy TimE I l0ok at You,it's liKe thE 1st tiMe I fell iN l0Ve WitH a CarElesS man's Careful DauGhteR..she is thE bEsT tHinG thAt's eVeR beeN MinE..

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